Hear the reviews straight from our fans!
Read an in-depth review of FujoCon from futekiya.
“I have yet to see a con with such a great ensemble of both academic and fun panels!”
— praise for FujoCon
“I learned so much from this one! Super informative, and quite funny. Loved it!” — review for 3D BL: The Commodification of Real Person Slash
“RPS was so good, that voice and the research *chef kiss*” — review for 3D BL: The Commodification of Real Person Slash
“The 3D BL panel was very informative. I thought it was very well done. The presentation slides were packed with examples. All in all, one of my favorite panels!”— review for 3D BL: The Commodification of Real Person Slash
“Dr. Fujo is a queen, all that info and the proper science *chef kiss*” — review for Ask Dr. Fujo
“Very educational and lovely!”— review for Ask Dr. Fujo
“Ask Dr. Fujo was one of my favorite panels! It was honestly very professional. Dr. Hot Mess was super nice and kept her cool throughout the entire panel, before skillfully answering all of our BL brain induced questions.” — review for Ask Dr. Fujo
“I had a lot of fun with the Monsters panel” — review for MLM: Men Love Monsters?!
“The Monster panel was again one of my favorites! I was pleasantly surprised. Midnight was probably one of my favorite panelists as well, because they were very approachable and casual, so it created a friendly atmosphere right off the bat. But seriously, hats off to Midnight. I think this panel set the tone for the rest of the day for me to compare to, that's how relaxed it was <3” — review for MLM: Men Love Monsters?!
“Definitely an unexpected treat.” — review for BL in Non-BL Industries
“Well put-together and informative.”— review for What’s New is Old
“The panelist was easy to listen to and made the topic sound interesting, which is ultimately all you want. As for the ficbinding part, well! My eyes have been opened! I absolutely loved it […] A panel that gives you a new hobby to look forward to is automatically a good panel in my book!”— review for What’s New is Old
“Liked this one a lot! Clearly laid out and very informative.” — review for What’s New is Old
“The sports anime panel was great.” — review for Yaoi!!! on ICE
“Love the hosts of the sports anime one! Seen some of your in-person panels and you guys have great synergy” — review for Yaoi!!! on ICE
“First, the powerpoint (?) presentation was gold. It was really fun to watch. The hosts had a nice flow to the presentation, it wasn't boring at all. I found the information interesting and useful.” — review for Yaoi!!! on ICE
“It takes a lot to keep and hold my attention for anything, but this panel was one of the few that did!” — review for Yaoi!!! on ICE
“We adore you guys” — Programming Director, A-kon
“Getting to talk to people about BL since I don't have the luxury outside of 2 online friends on a day-to-day basis. It was great to also get tons of recommendations for things to read and watch!” — praise for FujoCon
“I loved the sense of community and talking with other BL fans.” — praise for FujoCon
“I loved how enthusiastic everyone running it was! Everyone seemed genuinely happy to be there and you were all so communicative and friendly!!” — praise for FujoCon
“It felt very chill and like a safe space! Because of online threats and the general environment surrounding BL fans and older fans, it's easy to feel unsafe or anxious even at real cons. But during FujoCon I felt more safe being it a +18 con and its motto being ship and let ship and embrace the fu-ness in all of us ^^ also the panels???? I have yet to see a con with such a great ensemble of both academic and fun panels!” — praise for FujoCon
“The games were an absolute blast.” — praise for FujoCon
“All Yaoi Considered has made me want to get my act together on BL research and do it in a more organised way.” — review for All Yaoi Considered
“Battleships was an especially beautiful nightmare.” — review for Battleships
“The Bingo was definitely fun and a good laugh! Wasn't as awkward as the one I attended at Yaoi Con.” — review for Yaoi Inferno
“Itabag Economics was such a pleasant surprise. I showed up to it because I had nothing else I was doing at the time. I wasn't prepared for all the discussion on the nature of supply and demand, as a psychology person this was very intriguing.” — review for Itabag Economics
“I think they were all very informative and great to watch. My fave was Ship & Let Ship because I think is very easy for people to feel guilty or bad with their ships because the whole 'culture' in social media right now, so seeing the evolution of it all and how many people like the same as you and how it's ok to enjoy things is amazing.” — review for Ship & Let Ship
“I really enjoyed the Ship & Let Ship for its attitude, openness, and the discussions it brought up. They were really engaged with the chat and it was both educational but entertaining. The people were also very cool and interesting.” — review for Ship & Let Ship
“It was the best panel we saw all weekend. People who want to do panels should go to your panel to learn how to do it professionally.” — review for All Yaoi Considered
“I go to AnimeFest every year mainly for BL Garden panels. They are a lot of fun and have great game nights. Highly recommend!" — Adowmont
“I loved seeing what real life skaters were used as inspiration for the characters!” — review for The Real Skaters of Yuri!!! on ICE
"They were very organized, comfortable, and prepared throughout the entire panel. It was very informative and never boring." — review for Yaoi!!! on ICE
"It was hilarious and on-topic. Everyone seemed very entertained." — review for Yaoi Inferno
“Please keep coming to Texas cons!” — MA1129
“That panel really opened my eyes as what type of BL is out there. It gave a deeper understanding of where the yaoi genre began and where it is today.” — review for Ukes in the Mist
“Favorite memory from AFest, the fucking yaoi panel” — @Dokuhan
“The panel was awesome! I hope they’re back next year!” — review for All Yaoi Considered
“LOVED the All Yaoi Considered panel!!! Hilariously funny!!” — review for All Yaoi Considered
“The BL Game Show panel at #AnimeFest was flipping fun.” — review for All Yaoi Considered